Pic Nic Tables & Patronage
Yet another of my cherished flients (means clients who’ve become friends) I love them even though it sounds like a bug, especially when I am described as one, I welcome suggestions for better words!) did the most amazing and awesome job on her patio, it’s brill like her mom might say cause she’s British but not really even though she says brill, Irish I think, she made me a paisley purple tea cosy that fits my chinese clay teapot perfectly and also my head! Yes it’s a brilliant hat too boot! So cute on both, will send pics.
She made this awesome landscaped back yard that hit that perfect pitch of design that I have written about and feel we all know exists, I will share pictures with you when the special grass grows in, it’s almost in…. its “green” as in low maintenance and low mowing and I hope keeps the water on the land but don’t know all the details yet but also she did an amazing thing, she has or will have the first and I believe only grass green driveway in our fair city, which I happen to be falling in love with for the first time on my bike this summer. And she so graciously said I kinda showed her how to design build, she got it so perfect cause she was there through out the process and allowed for the interative element to emerge which I feel is essential and she has a great eye, if I may cause it’s not my place to define any just to admire, and I do!
Segue… I might almost feel ashamed and sad for not falling in love with Ottawa sooner and it’s cause I couldn’t forgive the city for not having mountains and a little bit culture, forgive me cause oh it’s just so hard in this town to be truly creative sometimes cause of the government which I feel is such a spirit breaker to work in and I share this with compassion not judgement I worked there for 5 months and it’s the only time in my life I wore black… every day. My sister started calling me Johnny, as in Cash. She is so funny as I have shared with you before, I love my sister. And black means serious for me cause for over 3 years and I don’t want to know how much over, I have only worn purple, it’s the only color that doesn’t itch. BUT for like 2 hours this week I wore green cause I want to break out of something… I’ve been a little bit crabby lately… and no one even noticed and it was sort of, well not, and not even close to yet also excruciating…. even though it brings out the green in my eyes even better than purple but I am just lucky purple looks nice on me cause I would wear it anyways, it’s harmony, but anyways since it wasn’t noticed the green, maybe it’s not so much noticed that I wear purple mostly… no one mentions it except Janny did before she died and I hope it makes her laugh now like it does me, except when I make myself wear green. I love green too especially with purple and have been day dreaming bout the garden I hope God will grow with me all purples and greens at my mortgage I mean house, almost ready to dig in!
but or and more respectfully we, were talking about my friend and her picnic table. Well almost she designed built this awesome back yard with a vision for it hosting a picnic table and the one I found that we loved is like $8000.00 crazy!!
I’ve wanted to get into product design cause I love to play with innovations and it’s simple, my Dad and my mother’s father were both into inventing things… for so long it’s been busy that I can’t take my precious day dreamy while I drive and cook and sleep contemplation focus away from what needs to happen for my flients where stakes are higher and profits which keeps mkdb afloat, to design a “one of” that no one can really afford… BUT I can if I have a patron such as vous!
So I am throwing down the guantlet and asking you to patronize me and tell me what you need so I can come up with something brilliant I hope to put into production after you test drive the model.
I aspire with your help to hosting a a production house which trains and employs a marginalized part of our community like immigrants, women who are single moms, ex cons which any entrepeneur worth their salt might have been including moi or native people if it’s not patronizing cause we have done enough of that to them and more, and our production houses will epitomize fair trade and rehabilitation of person community and planet, and each peace which I choose to spell this way cause it’s all about making peaces will be named after or with our benefactor flient…. who will pay just costs for the prototype /not design fees cause they are priceless…. and a portion will go to fuel healing something worthy which will all be healing intrinsically already. And it will be modeled on natures brilliance of abundance as my dear Buzzy reminds me of and I miss. My friend I told about asked if he could be my westborrow best friend (so that’s taken now ) when I told him Buzzy was my Vermont best friend so I wouldn’t hurt anyone’s feelings, I have lots of geography for best friends fortunately it’s a big world we are privileged to be allowed to rest in and I hope can work towards caring for more profoundly.
So my commissions are the picnic table c’est ca and David’s parents need a place for their LPs and a junk drawer, spot to tuck away main floor linens, TV, telephone stero,etc… hope they won’t mind me getting so personal but we all need such spaces and I am inspired to create something modular and accommodating playing on David’s future as a lego empire builder…and soon I will be an new auntie to his new sibling.
Hence my vision for product design build, just needs a better name… I welcome your commissions and patronage to create our more regenerative and sustainable world that will I pray translate into less consumption and deeper contribution for and of us each. with love as always
p.s. Yestermorrow is featuring a great course this winter with one of my hero’s David Sellers all about design play time and it would be great if any of you want to join me at it! Called the Fundamentals of Design Feb 19, 2012. There is nothing quite like being in the sand box with David I highly recommend it!