Since You Asked...
So many are asking me how I am since my Holograms posting about the pressure treated lumber sitting in my basement and you can imagine how delighted I am to know they are reading my blog, if you have come to know me at all. I still love my blog.
And I am fine, it’s all good as long as I don’t have the heat on. And it’s been so cold, so I am very cold, which is better than being very crabby which is how I am when the heat is on cause it makes me feel so exhausted to have the pressure treated lumber chemicals heated up, and even my joints get achy which I have never experienced before and gave me some serious compassion for people who cope with arthritis, and it goes away as soon as I air out the house and turn off the heat , yeah!!
BUT, as my friend,ever the polyanna said “Ah cold or crabby… at least you have choices.”
… and I’ll fix it this, it’s what I do. maybe the vapour barrier which I personally think is an insane detail and causes so many problems in houses but also very much a building code requirement might seal in the problem especially when it’s all covered in drywall… or I might rip it out … Its fixable just a drag and I hope the city issuing the permit isn’t interested in reading my blog …. it might be better if I shut up but how many of you feel tired and achy at home, or have a sore throat and is it when you just brought home some smelly new furniture or laid a new vinyl tile or even just a new blind or shower curtain… A vinyl roller blind side swiped me this summer. A person could almost pass out when one of those things are unfurled and mixed feelings as I have about ikea, and I do and not just cause its an ordeal to return things which i am wont to do too much, but cause they are the largest privately owned company and it scares me a little, they make a roller blind that blocks light and doesn’t off gas and most of their stuff is eco friendly.
We have alternatives, lots of them and need to vote with our dollars for all kinds of reasons and to stay healthy. Mostly it would be better to shop less and I heard about this wonderful initiative that is focussed on just that called the Otessa Project a youth led charitable organization that mobilizes and equips Canadians to create local and global change through individual and collective choices. Our vision is to see sustainable consumption and lifestyle choices enter the mainstream of Canadian culture
And I learned about them at Hub Ottawa‘s inaugural event and this is very exciting!! Their mission is: “To catalyze and support enterprising social change ideas, initiatives, and communities for a better city and better world. With a Vision towards a sustainable and creative Ottawa where diverse individuals, communities, and enterprises collaboratively address local and global challenges.”
It’s so exciting and the crowd was so young and cool and inspired and it was all a little loud and overstimulating for someone like me who missed her cold home and wanted to curl up under three duvets which I plan to do now but am so glad I went. I’m not just sensitive to chemicals, loud crowded spaces kinda freak me out but I handle it pretty good.
And it’s good to have a puzzle cause I can almost design blindfolded cause I have done this for awhile now, I still love it but it’s never really hard or rarely and it’s hasn’t been scary in way too long, I need that… and have some ideas for new adventures. And being so cold all the time, at least the last few days, well, I am sharp, who knew sub zero promotes clarity and productivity.
And geeze these are first world problems … so many don’t have homes to worry about what they are built out of … so in a word. I am greatful. and I choose to spell it that way today cause like Markle said, at least I have choices. And I say yeah!