Getting started on your home renovation project – 7 questions to ask
“A man travels the world over in search of what he needs and returns home to find it” – George A. Moore
Your home is your haven and abode. It is but natural that you should want to make your home ideal and perfect for yourself and your family. Which is why undertaking a home renovation project becomes crucial. It might seem daunting to even take the first step in starting to your project. So how can you get started and stay on track of your renovation project? Here are a few questions you should ask at the onset of the project.
1) What are you seeking to achieve?
The very first step: assessing your goals and aligning your goals to your requirements. Make a list of what changes or additions you would like to accomplish. Making a list helps you develop a clear before and after scenario of what your dream home should look like.
2) Which rooms do you want to renovate?
This is easy, you say. Or so it seems. While renovating certain areas of your home, it is easy to get immersed into the details and lose sight of the fact that changing one room potentially affects other rooms in the house as well. So while planning your renovation, keep in mind how one renovated space affects another and plan your project accordingly.
3) What is your budget?
You cannot proceed without a budget plan! In order to have a realistic renovation project plan, you must be aware of your budget flexibility and restrictions. It is also advisable to revise your budget at every stage of your renovation project just so you can accommodate for unforeseen expenses.
4) What will be the purpose of the renovated rooms?
While planning a home renovation, it helps if you are aware why you want a certain space renovated and what you hope to accomplish from the new space. For instance, will your kitchen be a shared living space for the entire family or a space dedicated to the chef?
5) What style of design do you prefer?
Creativity and design have no limits! Whether its transitional, modern, contemporary, minimalist or traditional, knowing what design styles you like more will help you perform your research faster and more efficiently.
6) Will you be considering accessibility conditions?
Depending on whether or not someone in your family has mobility issues, you might have to take accessible design into consideration for your renovation project.
7) Finally, what do you and family NEED from your home?
Because a home renovation project is not a small project both time-wise and budget-wise, therefore it is imperative that you know and understand what you need your home to do for you. Whether its a short duration renovation, or whether you’re planning to make a forever dream home, being in tune with your desires will go a long way into making your home renovation a successful project.
What’s next after your planning phase? Read this blog to know about the building phase of your renovation project.
At Moneca Kaiser Design BUILD, we work with you in co-creating sustainable and happy homes. We provide a single point of responsibility and seamlessly integrated in-house design, renovation and building services to see you all the way home. We are Ottawa’s premier eco-friendly home design and renovation experts. Contact us today for a consultation on your dream renovation project. Read more about our design build process.